Monday 8 March 2010

Designing the web page to promote your production

With the main production tasks almost complete, it's time to think about designing the web page that promotes your product. We've done some research already into film and radio station websites ( e.g "District 9" etc for film, BBC Radio 4 drama page) but you'll need to do some more, relating it specifically to the genre of film ( action, horror, political thriller) you're promoting and the audience you're targeting. Use the Internet Movie Database which includes links to official websites for most recent films. Record this research on your blog.

Using iWeb templates or coding with tags in html you probably won't be able to match the technical or visual sophistication of a Hollywood blockbuster from Sony Pictures.

But you should be able to include basic elements of such sites - gallery of stills ( from your iMovie clips), links to the trailer, plus links to : a page about the film; a Facebook fan page or social networking link; a page about the film; star cast and production credits; BBFC certification. Include the tag-line of the trailer.

You also need to think carefully about the design elements. If you're working with iWeb, choose a simple template as a starting point. Avoid fuss and clutter. Choose fonts which suit your genre - maybe the font you use in the trailer - and colour values with the right connotations for your project. You can use a range of shapes in iWeb for encapsulating text and you can overlay images, although they won't be transparent.

There's some useful advice about web design in general here. You can also check out an iWeb video tutorial and/or visit Apple's iWeb support page.

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